AGU Leadership: Council
AGU's Council enables input from leaders representing a wide variety of our members. While the Board is responsible for the overall health of the organization, the Council is responsible for scientific affairs. The Council plays three unique and critical roles: forming science policy, generating and deliberating science-related ideas, and advising on science and member issues.
The Council is chaired by AGU’s president-elect who, along with AGU’s executive director/CEO, president, past president, and Council vice chair, serves on both the Board and Council to ensure consistency, continuity and communication throughout AGU leadership. The Council meets four times per year, in a combination of virtual and in-person meetings.
Council Leadership Team
The Council Leadership Team has nine members and meets monthly by conference call; it has the authority to conduct Council affairs in between full Council meetings. AGU’s president-elect chairs the Council Leadership Team and the seven members are elected by the Council, including one who serves as Council vice chair. AGU’s executive director/CEO is a nonvoting member.
2025-2026 Council
Brandon Jones
AGU President
Ben Zaitchik
AGU President-elect, Council Chair
Janice Lachance
Interim Executive Director and CEO
Rachel Abercrombie
President, Seismology section
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
President, Near-Surface Geophysics section
Aderonke Akerele
Early Career Scientist
Maya Almaraz
Early Career Scientist
Suzanne Anderson
President, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes section
Krisa Arzayus
President, Earth and Space Science Informatics section
Sonja Behnke
President, Atmospheric and Space Electricity section
Soumaya Belmecheri
Chair, Position Statement Committee
Emily Bernhardt
President, Biogeosciences section
Julie Bowles
President-elect, Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism & Electromagentism section
Eric Bruning
President-elect, Atmospheric and Space Electricity section
Sanlyn Buxner
President-elect, Education section
Wendy Calvin
President, Planetary Sciences section
Enrico Camporeale
President, Nonlinear Geophysics section
Guido Cervone
Chair, Annual Meeting Program Committee
Somita Chaudhari
Kai Chen
President-elect, GeoHealth section
Amy Clement
President, Atmospheric Sciences section
Steven Constable
President, Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism & Electromagnetism section
Bianca Corpuz
Ingrid Daubar
President-elect, Planetary Science section
Marie Edmonds
President, Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology section
Jay Famiglietti
President-elect, Hydrology section
Maya Fields
Alice Fremand
Chair, Data Management Advisory Board
Edward Garnero
President-elect, Seismology section
Andrew Gettelman
President- elect , Atmospheric Sciences section
Deb Glickson
Chair, Meetings Committee
Lisa Graumlich
Chair, Leadership Development and Governance Committee, AGU Past-president
Chuck Greene
President-elect, Ocean Sciences section
Ian Grooms
President-elect, Nonlinear Geophysics section
Thushara Gunda
President-elect, Science and Society section
Yun Hang
Steven A. Hauck II
Chair, Publications Committee
Kripa Jagannathan
President, Science and Society section
Jonathan H. Jiang
President, Global Environmental Change section
Kristina Keating
President-elect, Near Surface Geophysics section
Eric Kirby
President-elect, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes section
Matthew Kirby
President, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology section
Venkataraman Lakshmi
President, Hydrology section
Nadia Lapusta
President-elect, Tectonophysics section
Michael Liemohn
President-elect, Space Physics and Aeronomy section
Early Career Scientist
Laura Lukes
President, Education section
Carloz Martinez
Early Career Scientist
Lisa McNeill
President, Tectonophysics section
Lorrayne Miralha
Early Career Scientist
Jessica Oster
President-elect, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimateolgy section
Elizabeth Patterson
Early Career Scientist
Dana Peterson
Early Career Scientist
Matthew Preisser
Yuhan Rao
Chair, Honors and Recognition Committee
Kathy Reeves
President, Space Physics and Aeronomy section
Åsa Rennermalm
President, Cryosphere section
Tyrone Rooney
President-elect, Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology section
Lauren Schaefer
President-elect, Natural Hazards section
Nicholas Schmerr
President, Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior section
Sybil Seitzinger
Chair, College of Fellows
Sudhir Shrestha
President-elect, Informatics section
McKenzie Skiles
President-elect, Cryosphere section
Anne Socquet
President-elect, Geodesy section
Janet Sprintall
President, Ocean Sciences section
Daniel Tong
President, GeoHealth section
Rodrigo Vargas
President-elect, Biogeosciences section
Marie Violay
President-elect, Mineral and Rock Physics section
Laura Wallace
President, Geodesy section
Christelle Wauthier
President, Natural Hazards section
Renata Wentzcovitch
President, Mineral and Rock Physics section
Lisa White
Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Branwen Williams
President-elect, Global Environmental Change section
Catherine Johnson
President-elect, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior section
Mei Zheng
Vice Chair, Global Engagement Committee