Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity, equity, and inclusion at AGU
As an organization that serves a large, global community of Earth and space scientists, AGU is committed to efforts promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our recently adopted strategic plan works toward the vision that “Diversity and Inclusion are recognized and celebrated as being essential for the success of AGU, its members, and the global Earth and Space Science enterprise." We encourage you to learn more about our work, our progress, and how to get involved.
Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan
Download a PDF copy of AGU's Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan adopted in December 2018.
Read nowAGU Ethics and Equity Center
The AGU Ethics and Equity Center provides resources to educate, promote and ensure responsible scientific conduct and establish tools, practices, and data for organizations to foster a positive work climate in science.
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Ethics in Scientific Conduct
AGU is a leader in promoting ethical practices through our Conflict of Interest Policy, Code of Conduct, and the AGU Ethics and Equity Center. Our initiatives, including the Ethical Use of AI/ML Report, set new standards for responsible scientific conduct.
Section membership demographics (PDF) – Explore our 2018 section demographics by career stage and gender by downloading our PDF report.
Berkner Fellowship – This fellowship is awarded to early career scientists and students under 35 years of age who are citizens of countries designated by the World Bank as “low” or “lower-middle” income per capita.
AGU Bridge Program – The AGU Bridge Program is part of the Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN), an effort to develop, adopt, and share inclusive practices for recruiting, admitting, and retaining historically marginalized students in STEM graduate programs. Partnered with 51 geoscience departments across the nation, the AGU Bridge Program offers students one free application to all partner departments, and a variety of resources and support along the way to their goals for graduate school.
Mentoring programs – AGU offers a number of mentoring programs to help students and early career scientists from diverse backgrounds build successful careers and networks.